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Анімаційне пояснювальне відео, або експлейнер, поєднує освітні й розважальні компоненти для стислого та зрозумілого викладення матеріалу. Родзинкою цього формату є емоційна насиченість контенту.
Пояснювальні відеоролики яскраві й динамічні, що дає змогу пояснювати складні ідеї просто та доступно.Зазвичай вони тривають 3-5 хвилин, а кожен анімаційний фрагмент зосереджується на конкретному навчальному завданні.
Відповідно до навчальних цілей, концепції, термінів виконання і бюджету, ми пропонуємо послуги створення різноманітних анімаційних відео з використанням 2D- або 3D-анімації.
2D animation offers great flexibility when it comes to incorporating the visual style preferred by the client or one that aligns with their brand. Our talented designers can create custom characters, scenes, and settings, allowing
us to precisely meet the educational objectives for a
specific target audience. With a 2D animated explainer,
we can hit the bull's eye and effectively engage learners with a visually appealing and tailored learning experience.
In edutainment, striking a balance between education and entertainment is crucial. Participants can easily become overwhelmed by excessive visual overload and lose focus on the core aspect — high-quality educational content.
This issue is less common when employing 2D animation. The simplicity of the visuals in animated explainer videos and strategically placed visual cues aid in the comprehension of key concepts, enhancing the knowledge retention.
2D animation offers great flexibility when it comes to incorporating the visual style preferred by the client or one that aligns with their brand. Our talented designers can create custom characters, scenes, and settings, allowing
us to precisely meet the educational objectives for a
specific target audience. With a 2D animated explainer,
we can hit the bull's eye and effectively engage learners with a visually appealing and tailored learning experience.
In edutainment, striking a balance between education and entertainment is crucial. Participants can easily become overwhelmed by excessive visual overload and lose focus on the core aspect — high-quality educational content.
This issue is less common when employing 2D animation. The simplicity of the visuals in animated explainer videos and strategically placed visual cues aid in the comprehension of key concepts, enhancing the knowledge retention.
The ability to generate lifelike visuals is a paramount feature of a 3D animated explainer videos. Utilizing advanced technologies, we can create visuals with intricate details from various angles. This capability proves particularly valuable when developing simulators for specific devices or showcasing the operation of large or minuscule mechanisms.
The realism extends beyond objects, as we can imbue characters with distinct traits that resonate with real individuals if desired. By capturing the essence of real life in explainer videos, participants are immersed in the learning process, leading to enhanced learning outcomes.
The continuation of the realism in the 3D animated explainer video triggers its immersive nature. This aspect is most evident when participants not only passively watch the training video but actively engage as direct participants. The immersive experience allows for the simulation of environments in which participants need to be fully immersed.
Interactive participation and control over the progression of events are key components that maximize engagement and provide opportunities for practicing practical skills.
The ability to generate lifelike visuals is a paramount feature of a 3D animated explainer videos. Utilizing advanced technologies, we can create visuals with intricate details from various angles. This capability proves particularly valuable when developing simulators for specific devices or showcasing the operation of large or minuscule mechanisms.
The realism extends beyond objects, as we can imbue characters with distinct traits that resonate with real individuals if desired. By capturing the essence of real life in explainer videos, participants are immersed in the learning process, leading to enhanced learning outcomes.
The continuation of the realism in the 3D animated explainer video triggers its immersive nature. This aspect is most evident when participants not only passively watch the training video but actively engage as direct participants. The immersive experience allows for the simulation of environments in which participants need to be fully immersed.
Interactive participation and control over the progression of events are key components that maximize engagement and provide opportunities for practicing practical skills.
The ability to generate lifelike visuals is a paramount feature of a 3D animated explainer videos. Utilizing advanced technologies, we can create visuals with intricate details from various angles. This capability proves particularly valuable when developing simulators for specific devices or showcasing the operation of large or minuscule mechanisms.
The realism extends beyond objects, as we can imbue characters with distinct traits that resonate with real individuals if desired. By capturing the essence of real life in explainer videos, participants are immersed in the learning process, leading to enhanced learning outcomes.
The continuation of the realism in the 3D animated explainer video triggers its immersive nature. This aspect is most evident when participants not only passively watch the training video but actively engage as direct participants. The immersive experience allows for the simulation of environments in which participants need to be fully immersed.
Interactive participation and control over the progression of events are key components that maximize engagement and provide opportunities for practicing practical skills.
Animated educational stories convey educational material in a highly engaging and effective way through storytelling power.
Compared to text-based learning, explainer video stories with elaborate plots can make the learning process much more impactful. The main or secondary characters in an animated story can take the part of exemplary and negative characters, whose actions, challenges, and results of behavior are interesting and informative to watch.
There are scenarios where an overarching narrative is not necessary, then an animation with separate visual elements can be beneficial.
Conceptually related fragments complement the ideas presented, synchronized with the voiceover and on-screen text.
A well-designed correlation between content and visual elements, including the color scheme and overall style, allows the student to focus on key informative elements.
Process explainer video is designed to showcase technical processes or product operations.
With the help of 3D animation, it becomes possible to demonstrate the operation of technical equipment with a detailed view of its internal and external structure, which is not achievable through traditional video recording.
This realistic approach to constructing an educational environment has a positive impact on the process of memorization and the formation of new experiences.
Watching an educational explainer video almost feels like watching a cartoon movie but with a strong emphasis on learning, since a person uses auditory, visual, and kinesthetic channels of perception.
Visually rich and colorful animation can leave a positive impression on students of all ages who are eager to feel immersed in the story and achieve quick learning outcomes.
Like a captivating dance performance, motion graphics animation combines text, shapes, and dynamic visual elements to convey information in a visually appealing and engaging manner.
This style of cartoon explainer video often employs fluid transitions, vibrant colors, and eye-catching effects, making complex topics more accessible and entertaining.
Live Action animated explanation videos refer to the integration of animated elements within a live-action environment or footage.
It involves seamlessly blending animated characters, objects, or visual effects with real-world settings, creating a harmonious explainer video composition that blurs the line between reality and imagination. Imagine that we have shot a talking head video and added animated concepts on the screen simultaneously with their explanations to boost the learning experience.
Similar to a skilled lecturer using whiteboard explainer videos to illustrate ideas, whiteboard explainer video simulates the process of drawing on a whiteboard. This style combines hand-drawn illustrations with motion graphics, capturing learners' attention as concepts unfold before their eyes.
Like a captivating dance performance, motion graphics animation combines text, shapes, and dynamic visual elements to convey information in a visually appealing and engaging manner.
This style of cartoon explainer video often employs fluid transitions, vibrant colors, and eye-catching effects, making complex topics more accessible and entertaining.
Live Action animated explanation videos refer to the integration of animated elements within a live-action environment or footage.
It involves seamlessly blending animated characters, objects, or visual effects with real-world settings, creating a harmonious explainer video composition that blurs the line between reality and imagination. Imagine that we have shot a talking head video and added animated concepts on the screen simultaneously with their explanations to boost the learning experience.
Similar to a skilled lecturer using whiteboard explainer videos to illustrate ideas, whiteboard explainer video simulates the process of drawing on a whiteboard.This style combines hand-drawn illustrations with motion graphics, capturing learners' attention as concepts unfold before their eyes.
При створенні анімаційних пояснювальних відео ми підтримуємо гармонійний баланс між навчанням і розвагою.
Ми перетворюємо складні для опанування навчальні матеріали на привабливі анімаційні ролики. У такому форматі інформацію легше запам’ятати.
Едьютейнмент! Анімаційні ролики – найкраще рішення для eLearning, коли треба зацікавити учасників та надихнути їх розкрити свій освітній та професійний потенціал.
Анімаційне пояснювальне відео – наче вишукана і смачна страва на «освітньому столі». Анімаційні ролики можуть бути самостійним навчальним продуктом або гармонійно інтегруватися з іншими видами електронного навчання. У будь-якому випадку, опанування матеріалу за допомогою таких роликів приносить задоволення учням та сприяє кращому запам’ятовуванню інформації.
Ви обмірковуєте, чи варто обрати анімаційні ролики для вашої компанії? Розглядаєте інші формати онлайн-навчання? Ми допоможемо вам обрати найкращу освітню стратегію. Сконтактуйте з нами – ми проаналізуємо ваші потреби та запропонуємо найкраще рішення.