Індивідуальні Еlearning-Рішення

Враховуємо Потреби, Досягаємо Результату

Рішення для індустрій

Спеціалізовані методології розроблення та унікальний дизайн – основа наших галузевих навчальних рішень для ефективного навчання персоналу. У своїх рішеннях ми прагнемо інтегрувати електронне навчання в стратегії розвитку бізнесу.

Oil and gas

Ensure flexible customized training content for employees, including those in remote locations.


Cope with the challenges facing the industry such as labor shortages with the help of bespoke elearning solutions.


Take advantage of custom elearning course development to dive into the process of transitioning to renewable sources of energy.


Align learning and training objectives with business goals of increasing sales and customer satisfaction.


Help your employees stay up-to-date by providing compliance training incorporating engaging content.


Broaden product knowledge using custom elearning development services to diversify elearning experience.


Develop custom elearning courses on food safety and sanitation, quality control and assurance, HACCP, etc.


Ensure flexible customized training content for employees, including those in remote locations.

Рішення для освітян

The landscape of today's education has changed dramatically. Elearning at schools of all levels is no longer a peculiarity but a must. However, we can help your school stand out due to our customized e learning solutions.

Elearning for elementary and secondary schools

Best practices for integrating animation and gamification into the learning process. Have you heard of edutainment?

Elearning for Higher Education

Productive, flexible, accessible, effective learning that meets the demand of today’s studentship.

Elearning in Career and Technical Education

Interactive learning, virtual instructor-led training and more to excel in educating both students and teachers, enhancing their practical skills in the online space.

Projects for outsourcing partners

Boost your outsourcing success with our rapid elearning solutions!

Як Інсайти Формують Індивідуальні Еlearning-Рішення?

Наші elearning-рішення унікальні, тому що за 20+ років ми жодного разу не отримали два однакові запити.


Analysis of the client’s needs and goals is a starting point for every accomplished project. Whether you’re aiming to fill a knowledge and skill gap or you‘re looking to conduct an onboarding course our expert team is here to help with elearning product design and delivery.


Previous knowledge and skills, elearning experiences as well as learning preferences, and even learners' age or geographical location can play a crucial role in selecting an elearning solution.


Considering the content is an unskippable step when preparing a custom elearning solution. Content analysis helps to create a structure as well as it may influence directly training formats to be implemented.  


Our expert team of instructional and creative designers, project managers, and developers offer an option to choose from a set of solutions so сustom elearning development costs address your budget.

Індивідульне Еlearning-Рішення Замовляли?

Генеральна Ідея та Розширена Концепція

Комплексний аналіз прогалин у знаннях цільової аудиторії, які необхідно усунути, та бажаних результатів навчання дозволяє нам сформулювати провідну ідею, яка далі деталізується у концепції.

Інструменти Розроблення

Для втілення проєкту часом достатньо одного інструмента для ідеального "соло", а буває що хочеться "інтерактивної родзинки" чи мультимедійного акценту. Підберемо для вас саме той набір інструментів, що покращує навчальний досвід "учнів", зокрема і тих, хто має особливі потреби. Більше про інструменти, які ми використовуємо для розроблення електронного навчання, на сторінці "Послуги".

Product Delivery Platform

Delivery platforms provide management options to the client to administer and track the learning process. This can be a specifically created platform in response to the current challenge e.g. landing page or integration of the elearning product into your existing learning management systems.

We can also assist you in placing the content on Moodle LMS or Moco Talent Management System.

Playback Devices

Although responsiveness is a leading trend in elearning development, sometimes it is required to tailor a product to a specific device (e.g. smartphone or desktop).


Often, additional marketing activities are tailored to promote designed elearning products. The development of extra digital or printed assets can be included in our customized elearning solution.


Launch a captivating journey through the fascinating cases of our clients.

Explore the Cases

Медицина + анімація: синергія освіти та мистецтва


Food & Beverage

Чи можливо локалізувати 18 курсів про здоров’я домашніх улюбленців і не завести бодай одного?



Інтерактивний симулятор з відпрацювання навичок соціально-психологічного консультування

Ментальне Здоров'я


“Живи без ілюзій” навчає молодь уникати насильства в стосунках

Ментальне Здоров'я

Higher Education

Навчальний відеоконтент для професійно-технічних закладів освіти України



Behind the Scenes: How We Create Custom Elearning Content

Creating elearning courses is a multiple-stage process that involves different specialists of elearning content providers. Each stage is essential for the success of the project and helps ensure that the final product meets the learning objectives and is effective in facilitating learning.

Take a short journey with us through all the stages.

Custom Elearning Development vs. Off-the-Shelf Courses

Overall, we highlight three main reasons why it is preferable to seriously consider custom elearning solutions over ready-made training content available. But certainly one can easily name more than these.

  • Custom elearning allows you to create content that is specific to your business needs and objectives. This ensures that your employees or learners receive unique training that is relevant to their job roles and responsibilities.

  • Custom elearning allows you to incorporate your company's branding and messaging into the training materials. This is another great option to reinforce the company's values and culture and create a consistent experience for your learners.

  • Developing custom courses and elearning content with our team you have access to ongoing support and maintenance. Thus, you are safe that the training remains up-to-date and effective.

How Custom E learning Solutions Empower Businesses


Although the development of some digital content formats may require large one-time costs, in a long-term perspective elearning solutions may save money for businesses. Compared to traditional in-person training it eliminates many additional costs i.e. travel, rent, printing costs, etc. Once the course is created it can be reused many times while its content can be easily updated.


At Technomatix, we have extensive experience in delivering elearning solutions to a wide range of organizations and industries. Whether we develop elearning programs for K-12 or higher education institutions, cater to the needs of corporate giants, or serve our international partners, we adhere to principles of responsible and sustainable practices, giving careful consideration to the approaches and principles we choose.

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