Interactive Learning

"What a magnificent interactive presentation!" one might say. But with the means of interactive distance learning, we can wave a magic wand and create an eye-catching elearning course. Can you feel the difference? Let's explore together. Allow us to introduce the basic representative in the elearning world - the interactive slide-based course.

What is an Interactive Course?

An interactive online course is a systematic presentation of educational content that utilizes elements of interactivity to actively engage students in the learning process. 

Generally, it involves students interacting with the learning material and immersing themselves in an educational environment. This environment may include specific interactions, or interactive means, developed using high-quality tools, as well as multimedia and other engaging elements.

What sets our interactive online courses apart is that interactivity goes beyond simple interactions like clicking buttons or dragging blocks presented on the screen. In our courses, interactivity has a broader meaning. 

The purpose of Technomatix interactive learning is to enhance comprehension of e-learning materials through well-structured and effective content presentation, supplemented by assessments and meaningful feedback. By incorporating a balanced blend of various types of interactivity, we strive to achieve an effective learning outcome for students. 

Our Expertise

Technomatix has many years of experience in creating interactive courses using Articulate Storyline 360, Adobe Captivate, and Lectora software.

In particular, we have cooperated with numerous Ukrainian and international companies as well as non-profits, including Eva, Coca-Cola UA, Nestle UA, Metinvest, DTEK, Naftogaz Group, Raiffeisen Bank Ukraine, OTP Bank Ukraine, Royal Canin, GIZ, La Strada Ukraine, UNICEF, and more. We have strong relationships with our fascinating clients, who have become our friends and soulmates in creating up-to-date and robust elearning solutions over the years.
One of our significant projects focused on educating school children about anti-bullying, in collaboration with La Strada Ukraine. We developed a comprehensive 4-module course that has been approved for use in educational institutions by the Scientific and Methodological Commission on the Problems of Raising Children and Pupils of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Using interactive techniques and the Articulate Storyline 360 tool, we created an appealing solution that features relatable characters for school children. The course incorporates audio elements in the form of prototype podcasts, which share students' real-life stories about bullying situations in their schools. It also provides a simulated environment for students to respond to these situations.
Naftogaz Group approached us to develop two important courses simultaneously, to enhance the effectiveness of their employees. These online courses focused on mastering the knowledge and practical implementation of the rules outlined in the company's code of ethical behavior, as well as combating bribery and fraud within the organization.

For the first course, we introduced participants to the company's Code of Corporate Ethics using an interactive elearning approach combined with scenario-based methods. We incorporated real-life cases from the company to provide participants with problem-solving opportunities and meaningful feedback on their actions in specific situations. To heighten immersion, we also included an animation emphasizing the importance of adhering to corporate ethics. This resulted in a comprehensive course that successfully addressed the client's needs.
Regarding the second course, it was designed to be fully interactive, presenting the material in a structured and measured manner. The course included practical examples and easy-to-understand infographics, enabling participants to grasp key concepts easily.

Throughout the development of both courses, we prioritized a user-friendly learning strategy. The visual elements were designed to be effortlessly processed and perceived, without straining the eyes or distracting from the text. The course navigation was simple and clear, allowing users to navigate through the content smoothly thanks to the well-designed and professional technical mechanics.


Launch a captivating journey through the fascinating cases of our clients.

Explore the Cases

Medicine + Animation: The Synergy of Education and Art

Health and Wellness, Sales and Marketing

Higher Education

Educational Video Content for Vocational and Technical Schools in Ukraine

Education and Teaching


A Course Designed to Help 'Break the Cycle' of Domestic Violence

Violence Prevention


Interactive Simulator for Practicing Social and Psychological Counseling Skills

Health and Wellness

When Do You Need the Interactive Training in Slide-based Mode?

Let’s imagine that we have analyzed your request and revealed the following:

The course topic is profound as the deep ocean and requires to be segmented into fragments like the water layers.

The course topic is profound as the deep ocean and requires to be segmented into fragments like the water layers.

Slide-based interactions immensely facilitate the comprehension of learning materials in an online course. Students control knowledge retention automatically. How? The learner acquires knowledge gradually in a self-paced manner. No need to rush and spread the waves, a learner experiences straight concentration and immersive involvement to calmly stay afloat and navigate the learning process.

Meanwhile, you or your team member will have a convenient perk of being able to track learners' performance on the interactive training software or an LMS.

What Means of Elearning Interactivity Do We Use?

At Technomatix, we employ various means of interactivity to optimize the efficiency and impact of our courses. Here are some of the key elements we incorporate:

Concise Content 

One of the primary aspects of interactivity in our courses is the content itself. We prioritize creating high-quality, well-structured, and concise educational material that is easily understandable for the specific target audience. While subject matter experts contribute valuable content, our instructional designers ensure that the material is not overly challenging for learners, but rather maximizes memorization and real-life application.

Multimedia Integration

Depending on the nature of the information in each topic, we consider the implementation of audio, video, text, graphics, or infographics.

Taking into account the target audience, content, and educational goals, our courses may include dedicated multimedia functionality or a combination of various media types. We ensure that the use of multimedia elements is organic and reinforces the overall educational strategy.

Interactions in Virtual Learning Tools

To improve the structure and flow of information, we employ interactive tools that allow participants to engage with the educational content.

Virtual learning tools provide functional means for learners to interact with the course material, such as clicking on interactive elements or dragging them. They help pace the information flow on each slide, stimulating participants' learning potential. These interactions focus on key concepts and provide detailed feedback after each utilization.

Meaningful Feedback

In online learning, receiving meaningful feedback is crucial for a productive learning experience. We understand the importance of feedback in guiding learners and promoting improvement.

Our courses incorporate meaningful feedback that goes beyond simple "Yes" or "No" responses. Learners receive expert explanations that clarify the correctness or incorrectness of their decisions. Learning from mistakes is an integral part of the educational process, and we prioritize providing interactive simulations and valuable feedback in tests or practical tasks to facilitate effective knowledge retention.

Summaries with Key Takeaways

Each student's level of concentration and focus varies. Neither we nor the customer can determine the background thoughts, experiences, or tasks that may occupy a student's mind during the course. Furthermore, it is uncertain whether the student approaches the course with genuine interest and a desire to learn at the scheduled time.

While online courses offer flexibility, corporate training is often spaced out, leading to potential gaps in material comprehension. To address this, we proactively anticipate these gaps and provide summaries of the main information within each educational module.

Summaries aim to highlight the most important points and serve as a reference for students. They do not replace the entirety of the course content but rather emphasize key concepts and direct students to the extended version when needed.

At Technomatix, we strive to create interactive courses that engage learners and facilitate their understanding, comprehension, and practical application of knowledge. By incorporating these key elements of interactivity, we ensure that our courses provide a dynamic and impactful learning atmosphere for participants.

The Benefits of Interactive Teaching through the E-Course


In interactive teaching, customization of a course involves applying the customer's expert content and visual style within a methodological framework to create an effective learning environment. We collaborate with subject matter experts to develop high-quality and effective course content, crafting the design on the principles of the client's brand book. 


Interactions are essential components in the development of interactive training. Information is presented gradually to the course participant through buttons, tabs, interactive quizzes, dialogues, and scenarios or drag-and-drop interactions developed in the virtual learning tools. This structuring encourages participants to engage with the course and contributes to optimal processing and memorization of the educational material.

Multimedia Elements

The integration of multimedia elements such as narration, sound effects, music, and videos is an easy dive for interactive elearning! Like the calming sounds of the ocean, they will provide learners with a deeply immersive experience and boost the e learning outcomes.


Online courses placed on interactive learning platforms are more cost-effective than traditional learning. It can be rolled out to many learners simultaneously and doesn’t require additional costs for extra physical resources. This cost reduction doesn’t result in a quality reduction, since interactive learning tools allow to create the adaptive courses, which fit the personalized learning paths of the target audience.

Key Takeaways of Interactive Training


Adaptive, so interactive e-courses can be visually and conceptually customized to meet the  unique needs of customers.


Engages learners through interactive teaching methods, and maintains better remote learning experiences.


Interactive e learning empowers learners, they feel like time-management experts and can orient themselves in the learning setting to their own pace of content digestion.

Integrating Other Online Learning Approaches into Interactive Courses

Interactive courses can be designed as standalone e learning programs that focus on providing a straightforward and active introduction to educational material. However, at Technomatix, we believe in going beyond the basics by incorporating other effective online learning approaches into them and adapting a mixed strategy.

To meet the e learning intent, we may incorporate elements such as cartoon animation, video explainers, scenario-based learning, and gamification. We never make these choices randomly; instead, we carefully analyze the source content, learning goals, and target audience to create the best distance learning solution for every case.

When we tailor the blended-approach courses, we provide more personalized and impactful e learning experiences. Let's explore the value each approach brings when integrated into an interactive course.

Cartoon Animation

The inclusion of cartoon animation, or animated explainer video content, has a positive impact on students' perception of interactive lessons, engaging their visual, auditory, and kinesthetic senses.

Cartoon Animation

When using high-quality 2D or 3D animation and carefully selecting an appropriate graphic style, we create an immersive online learning environment that serves a specific purpose. For instance, students can draw parallels with realistic characters in the videos, feel the atmosphere of familiar locations, and relate the content to real-life situations.

Animation allows us to surpass static images and consider the multidimensional aspects of objects, which is particularly valuable in industries such as manufacturing and mining. An exciting explainer video animation plot and suitable duration ensure an ideal impact of edutainment on the perception of new information.

Scenario-based learning

Scenario-based learning aims to bridge the gap between training and real-life situations. Incorporating this approach into interactive learning online provides practical application, incorporating realistic cases from the workplace or the student's area of responsibility.

Scenario-based learning

By providing a simulated environment, participants can actively engage with challenging issues, honing their problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making skills. Importantly, this distance learning experience is safe and conducive to making mistakes without any negative impact on their career or studies.

We offer both linearly structured case studies and branching scenarios, allowing participants to practice "action-consequence" scenes. This enables them to develop effective problem-solving algorithms and adapt relevant behavioral patterns.

Video Explainers

Video explainers, or video lessons, bring an expert vibe and immerse participants in the learning, creating a sense of practical reality. Whether it's an interview with an expert, a process filmed at a factory, overview videos, script-oriented videos with a built-in plot, or an interactive video, one thing is clear: incorporating film art into education yields progressive results for business or student learning.

Video Explainers

It's worth noting that when creating specific video plots for e learning, including mobile learning, we can enhance them with animation elements.

For example, we can use background visualization to support the explanations provided by the expert talking head in the frame. This approach captures the attention of different types of students. In any case of using video explainers, we prioritize the needs of the distance learning strategy.


Gamification is a powerful tool that we utilize to boost student motivation in our interactive courses. We enhance the learning experience in interactive courses by incorporating various gamified elements.


Game-like elements can range from simple features like collecting coins or earning points to more complex learning game mechanics such as designing a competition dashboard, collecting artifacts, or engaging in online quests, investigations, or educational arcade games.

Through the integration of gamification, we create a captivating environment that effectively keeps students motivated and actively involved in their online learning journey. However, it's important to note that gamified logic may not be suitable for all topics or learning requirements.

Before developing the learning concept, we thoroughly evaluate all the pros and cons of this approach. This careful consideration ensures that we make informed decisions and choose the most effective approach to meet the specific needs of each elearning course and its learning objectives.

What Are the Common Slide-based Interactions We Use?

At Technomatix, we believe in tailoring our interactive courses to meet the specific needs of our learners. While we incorporate various types of interactions such as buttons, infographics, sliders, markers, slideshows, dialogues, drag and drops, and various types of assessments like single choice, multiple choice, matching, sorting, and hotspot, we do not limit ourselves to these interactions alone.

We understand that each course has unique requirements, and we strive to find the optimal solution by considering factors such as the technical capabilities of the development tools and the relevance of using other advanced interactions for distance learning purposes.

Buttons Interaction

Interactive buttons help present well-organized and diverse content by revealing thematically grouped elements in the form of clickable elements.

It is most effective to use these buttons to unveil elements belonging to the same category or related concepts. For instance, the button itself can represent the name of a concept, but when the learner interacts with it by clicking, it will trigger a pop-up window with the explanatory text.


Infographics are an effective medium for presenting educational information that requires comprehensive understanding. By seamlessly integrating visual and textual elements, they establish a structured framework in students' minds.

Infographics are particularly valuable when presenting statistics or data, as they enable participants to focus their attention on meaningful comparisons. They provide a visually compelling way to represent complex content clearly and concisely.


The slider interaction is employed to present a list of steps required to complete a learning task. Each step can be numbered or briefly named as necessary.

Sliders are also useful for illustrating algorithms used to solve specific problems, where the stages of the algorithm can be numbered and presented sequentially. Furthermore, sliders can be utilized to present a list of concepts or phenomena, with subheadings and corresponding descriptions provided for each.


Markers are used to explain certain elements within an image.

By placing markers on specific parts of an image, additional learning information or descriptions can be displayed, providing further context or clarification to learners.


The slideshow interaction allows for the description of certain learning events. Each slide in the slideshow contains a logically completed fragment of information, enabling the sequential presentation of content.

Slideshows are also effective for highlighting the features of a particular phenomenon or concept, providing a comprehensive overview of the subject matter.


Dialogue interactions involve conversations between characters within the course. They can be used to reveal the features of a specific phenomenon, with one character posing questions about a feature and another character providing explanations or answers.

Dialogues can also be utilized to present step-by-step instructions or algorithms for solving specific learning problems, offering learners a structured approach to problem-solving.

Drag and Drop

Drag and drop interactions are effective for revealing the peculiarities of phenomena or comparing related concepts within the learning environment. Learners are tasked with dragging elements or objects to their appropriate locations or categories, fostering active engagement and reinforcing understanding through hands-on manipulation.

Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Matching, Sorting, and Hotspot

These interactions are used for various types of learning tasks and assessments. Single choice interactions require learners to select one correct option from a list of choices.

Multiple choice interactions involve selecting multiple correct choices from a list. Matching interactions require learners to match related phenomena or concepts by connecting corresponding elements.

Sorting interactions involve arranging elements into appropriate sections or categories. Hotspot interactions require learners to click on the correct component or answer within an image or diagram.

And More

By utilizing these learning interactions or other customized interactions, we ensure that our courses provide engaging and dynamic online learning experiences, enabling learners to actively participate and acquire knowledge effectively.

Why Do We Not Divide Interactivity Based on Its Complexity

Well, up until a certain point, we also relied on the four well-known levels of interactivity for remote learning. However, there is one nuance. We cannot confine the content to a single tier, and we never do. For delivering high-quality education to students, with the primary goal being learning rather than categorizing interactivity, we always choose the optimal type of interactivity for presenting each educational unit (slide).

When developing an interactive elearning course, it is essential to include elements of interactivity. But what is more prominent, each interaction should be used to deliver a learning outcome for the student. This is what the creators of the Technomatix team do. Whether it is a standalone elearning format or a combination of formats, the instructional strategy used for course content presentation triggers the choice of interactive methods.

Our approach is to go beyond the standard interactions to craft a personalized, adaptive learning program that boosts a learning environment conducive to acquiring new knowledge.


What is the Cost of Developing an Interactive Course?

What is the Cost of Developing an Interactive Course?


How Long Does It Take to Create an Interactive Course?

How Long Does It Take to Create an Interactive Course?


Do I Need an Interactive Elearning Platform?

Do I Need an Interactive Elearning Platform?


Which Interactive Learning Tool to Choose?

Which Interactive Learning Tool to Choose?


Do Interactive Courses Fit Well for Student Learning?

Do Interactive Courses Fit Well for Student Learning?


Interactive online learning invites learners to actively engage in the process of acquiring knowledge, offering a dynamic and immersive experience. Through interactive methods, we can deliver high-quality asynchronous learning that is just as effective as traditional classroom training. By integrating various learning approaches, we enhance the distance learning process and impact the learning outcomes.

At Technomatix, we are committed to developing the most suitable learning programs that meet your budget, timeline, and strategic objectives.

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