We are pleased to introduce the new Adobe Captivate course starter template designed specifically for the café and restaurant business. It will surely help to facilitate the process of familiarizing the new employee with the specifics of the company’s activity: its structure, rules, technological processes, etc.

Explore the template

We are not resting on our laurels, and we strive to cover all the main and actual spheres of activity. In the foreseeable future, we plan to introduce the new Adobe Captivate course templates for such sectors as tourism, banking and so on. Stay with us to be the first to know about the coming of new products.

The main advantage of the Captivate Template is a wide functionality due to the presence of 48 slides: timelines, tabs, flip cards, slideshows, quiz unit and much more. All the interactive slides are also represented separately and available for download at eLearningchips stock.